April 29, 2024

Register of Deeds

The county Register of Deeds issues and/or files marriage licenses, birth and death certificates, burial permits, real estate transactions (including deeds, mortgages and mortgage transfers), federal and state tax liens, state unemployment tax liens, military discharge records, and business name registrations.  The Register of Deeds is also responsible for recording all liens, survey plat certificates and county welfare liens. The Register of Deeds is the official county record keeper.

HOURS: 8-5 Monday – Friday

Register of Deeds:

Jodi Berger
711 W. 1st Street, Ste. 202
Webster, SD, 57274
(605) 345-9506

Fax:  (605) 345-9507
[email protected]

Tanya Nilson, Deputy ROD

Jessie Wik, Deputy ROD